
Choosing A Web Designer To Suit Your Needs

Choosing A Web Designer To Suit Your Needs

Choosing a web designer is one of the first tasks you tackle as a business owner wanting an online presence, or if you are looking to build a website for personal reasons. Regardless, it can feel a bit tricky when there are a myriad of options out there. You may be wondering where to start; would it be best to contact an agency, reach out to a freelancer, or ask for personal recommendations from friends or colleagues? In order to get started in your search for a web designer, there are really only a few things to keep in mind to simplify your research.

W3C Compliance & Your Website

W3C Compliance & Your Website

The W3C is the World Wide Web Consortium, headed by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, and is staffed with public works members around the world in order to help the Web reach its highest potential. They publish a list of standards, also known as recommendations, developed by consensus with the intention to ensure the high technical and editorial quality of websites. Compliance to these standards is important because it helps to make certain that web pages and other digital documents are usable by the widest possible audience. To see whether or not you are meeting these standards with your web pages, check out their validator here. Besides making sure that your website is accomplishing the most appropriate goals set forth by the world’s Internet leaders, there are several other benefits to W3C compliance when it comes to your site.

Essential WordPress Plug-ins for Your Website

Essential WordPress Plug-ins for Your Website

Whether you are a WordPress beginner or an experienced developer, finding helpful and convenient plug-ins for your website is an integral step in any web design project. Plug-ins are what provide the essential functions and critical safety measures for a WordPress site. Would you like a way to put a contact form on your WordPress site and easily manage the messages? Would you like to be able to set up an e-commerce shop? Do you want to monitor your site traffic? Do you want to optimize your SEO? All of these questions can be answered with one word: plug-in. Here are some of the best, most affordable and practical WordPress plug-ins that you should be using in your WordPress site…