
Why is WordPress better than Squarespace?

Why is WordPress better than Squarespace?

When you want to create a website for you or your business, you are faced with a myriad of options. A simple Google search reveals that you can just pay a designer, or build your own using one of the three big guys: WordPress, SquareSpace or Wix. Assuming that you’d like to build it yourself or with the help of someone else, there are two main categories to start with as a web design beginner: content management systems or a website builder. WordPress is the most popular content management system, which one can use to create and manage all aspects of a website without much prior knowledge. SquareSpace, and its competitor Wix, are both examples of website builders where you truly need to web experience to launch and are built on templates while the companies handle the rest. With a little bit of elbow grease and not too much know-how, a content management system like WordPress is going to be the better option for the life of your website for a variety of reasons.

How to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your Business

How to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your Business

Knowing why you want to use social media to benefit your business is the first key step in figuring out what the most effective and efficient social media strategy will be. Would you like to primarily gain more customers? Would you like to use social media to drive traffic to your website or online shop? Is there a more broad vision you’re attempting to create with a community of followers? Once you can define your goal, you can start tackling the strategy.

5 Ways to Make Your Website Stand Out from Your Competition

5 Ways to Make Your Website Stand Out from Your Competition

Designing and developing a website for your business can be tricky enough, knowing that you want to include all of the relevant details you need along with creating a strong brand identity, great user experience, and killer content that really makes your business shine. On top of that, you might be thinking, how can I make my website stand out from my most fierce competitors? While there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer to that question, here are some strategies you can implement to differentiate yourself from your business’ competition and overall improve your website.